Keep your equipment up to date (temperature regulatorsto, power control systems and sensors) allows adequate process control and this leads to savings, both in production times and in energy savings.
SRC has detected in technical inspections of its clients large temperature deviations due to poor maintenance of this equipment, producing losses due to rejections in production and lengthening processes that could be carried out in shorter times.
The same temperature regulators are only a part of the entire operating system, before which the entire installation must be correctly analyzed to finally select the appropriate instrument.
When choosing the equipment, the following must be considered: type of input sensor, temperature range, regulation algorithm and type of control output. All devices have a standard DIN size design, for easy adaptation and interchange of the same devices.
There are 2 kinds of regulators:
On-Off, it works like a basic thermostat that cuts off the signal when it reaches the temperature, being the worst equipment for precise regulation.
PID output, with control algorithms that make the equipment control the regulation signal so that the signal is more stable and does not have temperature inertia
In order to have the maximum control precision, a regulator with PID control with analog output must be mounted, which will control a power regulation equipment and this in turn will regulate the temperature through a proportional output.
SRC always recommends mounting this type of equipment, which is more expensive to start with but which pays for itself in a very short period of time, since it represents great savings in maintenance and energy.